Here you will find all the relevant content warnings that I have compiled. Please be aware that these warnings contain spoilers for all of my books. Note the differences between the columns of “explicitly depicted” vs “mentioned”. Topics considered under “mentioned” may only be referenced in passing. If you have any further questions or you would like to suggest a topic from a book that needs to be added here, please reach out to me.
As a general warning, all my published work includes one or more of the following: explicit/offensive language, explicit sexual content, and/or graphically violent action sequences.
The Alien's Woman releases on August 22!
Explicitly Depicted:
Violent action sequences. The heroine is mugged and receives minor wounds. The heroine must proposition aliens for sex work, and the hero ultimately becomes her client for the night. The heroine’s main character arc revolves around healing from the trauma of time spent surviving in an outlaw town.
Mentioned: References to a slave trade and sex work.
Explicitly Depicted:
Violent action sequences. Gruesome death. The sub-plot revolves around rescuing two women from an alien slave trade, including an auction scene. There is a dubious consent scenario involving an aphrodisiac. The heroine kisses the hero, ingesting his saliva with aphrodisiac properties. The hero fingers her to completion once the drug’s effects kick in.
Mentioned: The hero describes his time as a prisoner of war, including torture. Some might say he suffers from PTSD. The hero threatens to torture another character for information.
Explicitly Depicted:
The heroine is captured by an enemy that physically assaults her as part of an interrogation, causing minor wounds. She is tied up and trapped in a room during her captivity.
Mentioned: The hero describes his time as a prisoner of war, including torture. Some might say he suffers from PTSD. The hero threatens to torture another character for information.
Explicitly Depicted:
The heroine of this book has an abusive ex-boyfriend who acts as one of the main villains. Her interactions with him may be very triggering to some audiences. This includes an attempted sexual assault which is interrupted. There is also gun violence and some gruesome death scenes.
Mentioned: The heroine describes past abuses by her ex-boyfriend including spousal rape and physical and emotional abuse. She is also the victim of familial abuse by her father.
Explicitly Depicted:
Violent action sequences.
Mentioned: The hero describes what he witnesses during his military service including some gruesome violence. Some might say he suffers from PTSD.
Explicitly Depicted:
For the majority of this story, the hero and heroine are being held captive. The hero receives a graphically violent beating. There is also gun violence and some gruesome death scenes.
Mentioned: The main villain is pressuring the hero to rape the heroine for breeding purposes. The topic of rape/sexual assault is mentioned more than once. The hero describes a history of child abuse that he suffered as a member of a highly militarized society. In human terms, he might be categorized as neurodivergent and was often beaten for not adhering to societal expectations.
Explicitly Depicted:
Violent action sequences. Gruesome death.
Mentioned: The heroine’s sister died from disease as a teenager and she discusses it and references it a number of times throughout the story. Mention of slavery, sex-trafficking, and sexual assault.
Explicitly Depicted:
The heroine is kidnapped.
Mentioned: Mention of rape/sexual assault. Mention of slavery.